Monday, January 28, 2008

o well...

Accra is not a tourists' city. it is working class and poor. there are pockets of wealth here but from what I hear that is mostly in east Legon.

the building in the background is the new one being built for the president. where he lives now is in a old fort that once was used for housing slaves then later was a prison.

my phone has been stolen. period. no other way to describe it other that. I had it in my room now it and the charger are missing. o well. I had to brush off feeling down a few days ago when I went to put a fully charged battery in my trusty digital camera that I've had for about 5 years and it wouldn't turn on. evidently it is dead. o well. I've got another camera, just gotta get used to it.

we went to do some touristy type stuff while here in Accra before we start heading out to Cape Coast (where the gate of no return is), Kumasi and to Tema.
Our first stop was the square. actually I don't know what they call it but it is where the Government puts on it's show so to speak. the place is big!

there is a lot pump and circumstance here. also there is a lot of people trying to assert some type of authority over you. I found it really funny.

Afterward we headed to the Mausoleum of Kwame Nkhruma.
He is the father of Ghanaian independence. He, like Martin Luther King had a dream. It was of uniting all of Africa. He got his formal education in the U.S. and went back and helped Ghana (formally The Gold Coast) win it's Independence from the British.

Like Neslon Mandela he to was imprisoned for his beliefs and came out to a parade. The same Governor that imprisoned him had ot hand the country over to him. After a stint as president he was overthrown in coup by the army. He then became co-president of Guinea. They didn't allow cameras in the museum part of the mausoleum but the tour was interesting and informative. one thing I found interesting is that none of Kwame Nkhruma's books (including Revolutionary Suicide) which were part of the black power movement in the 60's are sold or offered to the children here in Ghana. Evidently his beliefs are a bit too radical for Ghana at the moment.
below, his old statue before the Coup. the hands and head were shot off.

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